New FREE BOOK Shows... 
How To Use YOUR Introversion As A *Strength* To Develop Powerful Connections, Online and 
Face-To-Face, Without Changing Who You Are.
How To Use YOUR Introversion As A *Strength* To Develop Powerful Connections, Online and Face-To-Face, Without Changing Who You Are.

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We pay for the book, you cover shipping
Had Nothing To Do With ‘Gift-Of-Gab’
And Everything To Do With Leveraging Your 
Natural Strengths? 
From: Matthew Pollard

Chapel Hill, NC

Let's be honest. If you’re an introverted small business owner who's struggling to get customers, you’ve likely thought:
"If I Had The ‘Gift-Of-Gab’, Then I Could Network My Way To Business Success..."
I mean, it takes natural ability to network, right?

If you were a better conversationalist, then you’d be able to "work the room" and make the money you deserve?

If you were more outgoing...

If you were great at small talk...

If you felt more at ease pitching yourself and your services...
Then the successful business you crave would be yours.
But what if that was just the biggest lie you’ve ever been told?

Why did Harvard Business Review recently report that showy, bravado-type individuals are more likely to alienate people than develop a relationship with them?

Why did the founder of the world's largest networking event report, after surveying thousands of people, that the most disliked characteristics of a networker are most commonly associated with extroverted personalities? 

Maybe it's because while extroverts may be able to "work the room" better than introverts like us...

They're missing what it really takes to foster real, authentic relationships.

They're missing The Introvert's Edge to successful networking.

What if your introversion wasn’t a disadvantage at all, but actually gave you all the qualities needed to become a masterful networker?

What if you were just never taught how to unlock your edge?

The fact is, as you might already know or suspect: The introvert’s roadmap to success doesn’t look like that of an extrovert.

We’re different, and we need to embrace that. 

This difference, when combined with the right process, allows us to out-network our extroverted counterparts…HANDS DOWN!

See, as introverts, we can’t rely on our personality. We have to rely on a process to foster an engaging discussion… And in the long run, process beats personality. Every time.

That's what makes The Introvert’s Edge to Networking so powerful. It explains how introverts can succeed at networking, while feeling totally comfortable and sincere.

For the first time ever, you’ll discover a comprehensive system focused on transparent, authentic, and low-pressure networking.

It provides the key to the success you’ve been looking for—without the need to change who you are!

Your Introvert’s Edge is right in front of you, just waiting for you to grab it…
Can You IMAGINE What Your Life Would Look Like If You Could Comfortably Talk About Your Product or Service? If You Could Make Connection After Connection Without Ever Feeling Salesy?
That CAN Happen For You.
But You Need 
The Introvert’s Edge to Networking First.
My name is Matthew Pollard. I'm the multiple-award-winning and bestselling author of The Introvert’s Edge, and my new book is called The Introvert's Edge to Networking. I've spent years developing and distilling my own networking process – and studying the success of some of my most introverted clients – to create the world's first networking system for introverts.

I wanted to create a comprehensive networking system, free of awkward and uncomfortable tactics, designed specifically for introverts…

And it turns out, just like me, all my most successful introverted clients found that they not only felt comfortable when networking, but even enjoyed the process.
I’ve been blessed with a network of amazing individuals. People like Susan Cain, Marshall Goldsmith, Neil Patel, and so many more.  

But if you'd have told me, even ten years ago, that two of my childhood heroes would end up in my rolodex, I would have dismissed you with an introverted shake of the head.

I come from a humble, hardworking family with no "connections." 

One of my grandfathers was a sheep shearer. The other worked in a factory. 

One of my grandmothers was a cafeteria worker; the other was a seamstress. 

My mother worked as a secretary for many years, until the boredom of an unchallenging job got to be too much.

Around that time, she came upon Michael E. Gerber's book The E-Myth, and was inspired to start her own business.

While passionate and talented, like so many business owners, she struggled to find prospects.

Her saving grace was Business Networking International, founded by Dr. Ivan Misner, whom Forbes calls "the father of modern networking." 

Here, she was finally able to secure a few appreciative, recurring clients and build a business that helped support our family.

I kept her experience firmly in mind, along with my appreciation for Michael E. Gerber and Ivan Misner, when I moved across the globe from Australia to Austin, Texas.

Back home, I'd enjoyed a moderately-sized network that I'd spent a lifetime awkwardly fostering. 

But now...
I Was Confronted with Creating a New Network Totally from Scratch.
I'd never been what you would call confident.

In fact, due to a visual disability, I had the reading speed of a sixth grader in late high school. That, combined with braces and chronic acne, eroded my self-confidence to nearly nothing.

Sure, I've gone on to be responsible for five multimillion dollar business success stories since then. But that success came after a lot of failure, many lessons learned, and painstaking confidence-building through the systems and processes I created for myself as an introvert.

So I have to admit, my first few attemps to network didn't go well. 

No matter what I said, I found myself feeling salesy. 

No matter what I said, no one seemed to be interested in hearing more. 

Everything about networking just felt uncomfortable. It felt forced. It felt wrong!

So I set out on a journey of discovery to make networking easy, fun, and profitable.

More than that, I set upon discovering a system that would leverage my introverted strengths, allow me to feel authentic, and give me an edge over my extroverted counterparts.

Along the way, I learned something profound: 

Networking is a system that can be learned and improved upon, by anyone, anywhere.

Better yet, done well, you can change the balance.

Instead of feeling like you're forcing something on people, you can get them asking questions because they're genuinely interested.

Going from push to pull was everything for me.

With the right system and process, I didn't need to be funny, competitive, or gregarious.

I focused on strategy and preparation, not on trying to be charismatic and energetic.

And it worked.

Within less than year of moving to Austin, I was named one of the most well-connected people in the city.

My new network included tech company CEOs, bestselling authors, wildly popular podcast hosts, and even the city mayor.

And what of my childhood heroes?

Imagine my absolute shock when a connection of mine offered to introduce me to Ivan Misner. 

Imagine my delight when, a few years later, my online networking strategy resulted in a connection with Michael E. Gerber.

To go from hearing about these titans of small business across the kitchen table, to having them in my network (not just as contacts but now as friends)...

Amazing. Astounding, really.

And I’m here to tell you it's possible for you, too.

It happened because I created a system that leveraged my natural abilities.

You have these same natural abilities inside of you, and I want to show you the system to unleash them.

But if you still see your introversion as a disadvantage...

Tell me this…

What Would Change If Your Introversion Became Your Superpower? If The Personality Trait You Feel Is Holding You Back Became The Catalyst For Obtaining The Success You've Always Desired?
Your first reaction might be, “Matthew, you’re crazy. You don’t understand how uncomfortable I am around people…”

And I get it! If you told me years ago that my introversion was actually an advantage, I would have called you crazy too.

Feeling uncomfortable around others would be an advantage??

Never knowing the right thing to say, until the moment had passed, was an advantage??

Replaying my interactions with others in my head, over and over, torturing myself about what I should have done or said differently, was an advantage?

YES – as it led to the creation of my introverted networking system. A system that leverages our natural strengths for success in and out of the networking room.

This is why I spent over a year uncovering the wisdom of some of my most introverted business success stories, as well as distilling my own personal networking discoveries into into my newest book called:
Rewrite Your Future By Turning Your Introversion Into Your Superpower...
Once I started showing others how they can leverage their introversion as a strength, I’ve been able to help countless people around the world create levels of success, growth, and happiness they never thought possible. 
And if you feel like your business is circling the drain, or that you're never going to meet the kinds of people that actually appreciate the AWESOMENESS of what you do, then The Introvert’s Edge to Networking is the answer to turning it all around!
Send Me Your Address...
I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my bestselling 
book to your doorstep, ASAP!
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book. All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...
Had Nothing To Do With ‘Gift-Of-Gab’
And Everything To Do With Leveraging Your 
Natural Strengths?
From: Matthew Pollard

Chapel Hill, NC

Let's be honest. If you’re an introverted small business owner who's struggling to get customers, you’ve likely thought:

"If I Had The ‘Gift-Of-Gab’, Then I Could Network My Way To Business Success..."
I mean, it takes natural ability to network, right?

If you were a better conversationalist, then you’d be able to "work the room" and make the money you deserve?

If you were more outgoing...

If you were great at small talk...

If you felt more at ease pitching yourself and your services...
Then the successful business you crave would be yours.
But what if that was just the biggest lie you’ve ever been told?

Why did Harvard Business Review recently report that showy, bravado-type individuals are more likely to alienate people than develop a relationship with them?

Why did the founder of the world's largest networking event report, after surveying thousands of people, that the most disliked characteristics of a networker are most commonly associated with extroverted personalities? 

Maybe it's because while extroverts may be able to "work the room" better than introverts like us...

They're missing what it really  takes to foster real, authentic relationships.

They're missing The Introvert's Edge to successful networking.

What if your introversion wasn’t a disadvantage at all, but actually gave you all the qualities needed to become a masterful networker?

What if you were just never taught how to unlock your edge?

The fact is, as you might already know or suspect: The introvert’s roadmap to success doesn’t look like that of an extrovert.

We’re different, and we need to embrace that. 

This difference, when combined with the right process, allows us to out-network our extroverted counterparts…HANDS DOWN!

See, as introverts, we can’t rely on our personality. We have to rely on a process to foster an engaging discussion… And in the long run, process beats personality. Every time.

That's what makes The Introvert’s Edge to Networking so powerful. It explains how introverts can succeed at networking, while feeling totally comfortable and sincere.

For the first time ever, you’ll discover a comprehensive system focused on transparent, authentic, and low-pressure networking.

It provides the key to the success you’ve been looking for—without the need to change who you are!

Your Introvert’s Edge is right in front of you, just waiting for you to grab it…

Can You IMAGINE What Your Life Would Look Like If You Could  Comfortably Talk About Your Product or Service?  If You Could Make Connection after Connection Without Ever Feeling Salesy?
That CAN Happen For You.
But You Need 
The Introvert’s Edge to Networking First.
My name is Matthew Pollard. I'm the multiple-award-winning and bestselling author of The Introvert’s Edge, and my new book is called The Introvert's Edge to Networking. I've spent years developing and distilling my own networking process – and studying the success of some of my most introverted clients – to create the world's first networking system for introverts.

I wanted to create a comprehensive networking system, free of awkward and uncomfortable tactics, designed specifically for introverts…

And it turns out, just like me, all my most successful introverted clients found that they not only felt comfortable when networking, but even enjoyed the process.
I’ve been blessed with a network of amazing individuals. People like Susan Cain, Marshall Goldsmith, Neil Patel, and so many more.  

But if you'd have told me, even ten years ago, that two of my childhood heroes would end up in my rolodex, I would have dismissed you with an introverted shake of the head.

I come from a humble, hardworking family with no "connections." 

One of my grandfathers was a sheep shearer. The other worked in a factory. 

One of my grandmothers was a cafeteria worker; the other was a seamstress. 

My mother worked as a secretary for many years, until the boredom of an unchallenging job got to be too much.

Around that time, she came upon Michael E. Gerber's book The E-Myth, and was inspired to start her own business.

While passionate and talented, like so many business owners, she struggled to find prospects.

Her saving grace was Business Networking International, founded by Dr. Ivan Misner, whom Forbes calls "the father of modern networking." 

Here, she was finally able to secure a few appreciative, recurring clients and build a business that helped support our family.

I kept her experience firmly in mind, along with my appreciation for Michael E. Gerber and Ivan Misner, when I moved across the globe from Australia to Austin, Texas.

Back home, I'd enjoyed a moderately-sized network that I'd spent a lifetime awkwardly fostering. 

But now...
I Was Confronted with Creating a New Network Totally from Scratch.
I'd never been what you would call confident.

In fact, due to a visual disability, I had the reading speed of a sixth grader in late high school. That, combined with braces and chronic acne, eroded my self-confidence to nearly nothing.

Sure, I've gone on to be responsible for five multimillion dollar business success stories since then. But that success came after a lot of failure, many lessons learned, and painstaking confidence-building through the systems and processes I created for myself as an introvert.

So I have to admit, my first few attemps to network didn't go well. 

No matter what I said, I found myself feeling salesy. 

No matter what I said, no one seemed to be interested in hearing more. 

Everything about networking just felt uncomfortable. It felt forced. It felt wrong!

So I set out on a journey of discovery to make networking easy, fun, and profitable.

More than that, I set upon discovering a system that would leverage my introverted strengths, allow me to feel authentic, and give me an edge over my extroverted counterparts.

Along the way, I learned something profound: 

Networking is a system that can be learned and improved upon, by anyone, anywhere.

Better yet, done well, you can change the balance.

Instead of feeling like you're forcing something on people, you can get them asking questions because they're genuinely interested.

Going from push to pull was everything for me.

With the right system and process, I didn't need to be funny, competitive, or gregarious.

I focused on strategy and preparation, not on trying to be charismatic and energetic.

And it worked.

Within less than year of moving to Austin, I was named one of the most well-connected people in the city.

My new network included tech company CEOs, bestselling authors, wildly popular podcast hosts, and even the city mayor.

And what of my childhood heroes?

Imagine my absolute shock when a connection of mine offered to introduce me to Ivan Misner. 

Imagine my delight when, a few years later, my online networking strategy resulted in a connection with Michael E. Gerber.

To go from hearing about these titans of small business across the kitchen table, to having them in my network (not just as contacts but now as friends)...

Amazing. Astounding, really.

And I’m here to tell you it's possible for you, too.

It happened because I created a system that leveraged my natural abilities.

You have these same natural abilities inside of you, and I want to show you the system to unleash them.

But if you still see your introversion as a disadvantage...

Tell me this…

What Would Change If Your Introversion Became Your Superpower? If The Personality Trait You Feel Is Holding You Back Became The Catalyst For Obtaining The Success You've Always Desired?
Your first reaction might be, “Matthew, you’re crazy. You don’t understand how uncomfortable I am around people…”

And I get it! If you told me years ago that my introversion was actually an advantage, I would have called you crazy too.

Feeling uncomfortable around others would be an advantage??

Never knowing the right thing to say, until the moment had passed, was an advantage??

Replaying my interactions with others in my head, over and over, torturing myself about what I should have done or said differently, was an advantage?

YES – as it led to the creation of my introverted networking system. A system that leverages our natural strengths for success in and out of the networking room.

This is why I spent over a year uncovering the wisdom of some of my most introverted business success stories, as well as distilling my own personal networking discoveries into into my newest book called:
The introvert's edge TO NETWORKING
Rewrite Your Future By Turning Your Introversion Into Your Superpower...
Once I started showing others how they can leverage their introversion as a strength, I’ve been able to help countless people around the world create levels of success, growth, and happiness they never thought possible. 
And if you feel like your business is circling the drain, or that you're never going to meet the kinds of people that actually appreciate the AWESOMENESS of what you do, then The Introvert’s Edge to Networking is the answer to turning it all around!
Send Me Your Address...
I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my brand new 
hardcover book to your doorstep, 
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book. All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...
Finally - A Networking Book for Introverts...
Here’s What You'll Be Able To Tap Into For FREE!
The Introvert’s Edge to Networking equips you with an actionable blueprint for working the room, leveraging social media, and developing powerful connections.

Here's a sneak peek into the introverted networking system you’ll discover between the covers.

Finally - A Networking Book for Introverts...
Here’s What You'll Be Able To Tap Into For FREE!
The Introvert’s Edge to Networking equips you with an actionable blueprint for working the room, leveraging social media, and developing powerful connections.

Here's a sneak peek into the introverted networking system you’ll discover between the covers.

 Chapter 1:
“Why Introverts Make Better Networkers”
An Introverted Master Networker? Isn’t That An Oxymoron? Not at all. The truth is, introverts make the best networkers, when armed with a system that leverages their natural strengths and lets them be their authentic selves.
 Chapter 1:
“Why Introverts Make Better Networkers”
An Introverted Master Networker? Isn’t That An Oxymoron? Not at all. The truth is, introverts make the best networkers, when armed with a system that leverages their natural strengths and lets them be their authentic selves.
 Chapter 2:
 “Channeling Your Superpower”
Embrace Your Fire: Discover the secret to ditching the pitch and becoming the most engaging person in the room. This is your secret to ensuring that new contacts hang on your every word.
 Chapter 2:
 “Channeling Your Superpower”
Embrace Your Fire: Discover the secret to ditching the pitch and becoming the most engaging person in the room. This is your secret to ensuring that new contacts hang on your every word.
 Chapter 3:
"You Can't Please Everyone"
Being Selective: Success doesn't come from being everything to everyone, but being the only logical choice for a select few.
 Chapter 3:
"You Can't Please Everyone"
Being Selective: Success doesn't come from being everything to everyone, but being the only logical choice for a select few.
 Chapter 4:
“We All Tell Stories”
No More Jargon: Networking discussions are no place for unsolicited advice and industry jargon. Learn to leverage the power of story to motivate and inspire action, while showcasing your expertise. 
Chapter 4:
“We All Tell Stories”
No More Jargon: Networking discussions are no place for unsolicited advice and industry jargon. Learn to leverage the power of story to motivate and inspire action, while showcasing your expertise. 
 Chapter 5:
"Our Difference Defines Us"
The Power of Standing Out: Do you feel like just one of many in your industry? Learn the secret to being seen as a category of one, and change the balance of networking for good.
 Chapter 5:
"Our Difference Defines Us"
The Power of Standing Out: Do you feel like just one of many in your industry? Learn the secret to being seen as a category of one, and change the balance of networking for good.
 Chapter 6:
“Find the Right People”
Never Walk Into A Room Cold: Learn how to identify, categorize, and even start a discussion with attendees, all before even walking into a networking room.
Chapter 6:
“Find the Right People”
Never Walk Into A Room Cold: Learn how to identify, categorize, and even start a discussion with attendees, all before even walking into a networking room.
 Chapter 7:
"What to Do in the Room"
Harnessing the Magic of a System: I'll show you how to plan your discussions so the conversation goes exactly where you want it to, leaving them wanting more.
 Chapter 8:
“The Step Everyone Forgets”
No Awkward Callbacks: Follow up with every new connection you meet, without ever having to pick up the phone.
 Chapter 9:
"The Feedback Factory"
Out-Network the Extroverts: The secret to networking success is continuous improvement. Every day, you and your networking system will get better and better. Soon you'll be out-networking your extroverted counterparts HANDS DOWN!
 Chapter 10:
“The Digital Frontier”
Network Globally: Discover the secret to leveraging your powerful new networking process online. Uncover how to use technology, psychology, and strategy to get your ideal prospects to chase you!
You'll never have to attend another networking event again (unless you really want to).
 Chapter 7:
"What to Do in the Room"
Harnessing the Magic of a System: I'll show you how to plan your discussions so the conversation goes exactly where you want it to, leaving them wanting more.
 Chapter 8:
"The Step Everyone Forgets"
No Awkward Callbacks: Follow up with every new connection you meet, without ever having to pick up the phone.
 Chapter 9:
"The Feedback Factory"
Out-Network the Extroverts: The secret to networking success is continuous improvement. Every day, you and your networking system will get better and better. Soon you'll be out-networking your extroverted counterparts HANDS DOWN!
 Chapter 10:
"The Digital Frontier"
Network Globally: Discover the secret to leveraging your powerful new networking process online. Uncover how to use technology, psychology, and strategy to get your ideal prospects to chase you!
You'll never have to attend another networking event again (unless you really want to).
Send Me Your Address...
I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my 
brand new 
hardcover book to your doorstep,
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book. All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world!  If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...
What Are Others
Saying About
The Introvert's Edge to Networking? 

"The new way of networking - designed especially for introverts who don't want to feel transactional or pushy.”

Susan Cain, bestselling author of Quiet

"If you have an exceptional offering, yet no one 'gets it,' Pollard's book is for you.”

Mike Michalowicz, bestselling author of Profit First

"A proven approach written by someone who's actually done it. If you're looking for an actionable guide to genuine and effective networking, this is it.”

Neil Patel, Wall Street Journal Top Influencer

"Matthew Pollard is emerging as America's #1 introvert converter. He will give you ideas and strategies to beat the extroverts, every time.”

Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Little Red Book of Selling
The Reviews Are In...
The Introvert's Edge to Networking Has Shown Thousands How To Leverage Their Introversion To Obtain Powerful Connections...
Will You Be Next?
What Are Others
Saying About
The Introvert's Edge to Networking? 

“The new way of networking - designed especially for introverts who don't want to feel transactional or pushy.”

Susan Cain, bestselling author of Quiet

"If you have an exceptional offering, yet no one 'gets it,' Pollard's book is for you.”

Mike Michalowicz, bestselling author of Profit First

"A proven approach written by someone who's actually done it. If you're looking for an actionable guide to genuine and effective networking, this is it.”

Neil Patel, Wall Street Journal Top Influencer

"A winning formula for creating powerful, authentic connections.”

Derek Lidow, Princeton University Chair of Entrepreneurship Faculty
The Reviews Are In...
The Introvert's Edge to Networking Has Shown Thousands How To Leverage Their Introversion To Obtain Powerful Connections...
Will You Be Next?
Send Me Your Address...
I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my new hardcover 
book to your doorstep, ASAP!
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book. All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world!  If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...
Claim Your FREE Book Now and
Get These FREE Bonuses!
Bonus #1 - Special Invite To A Private Online Training With Me. This is a complete step-by-step video implementation training, including templates, worksheets, and so much more!
The #1 Way To Obtain Networking Success And Avoid Procrastination Is To Jump Right Into Applying What You've Learned!
Total Value: $PRICELESS
Each and every day, I'm contacted by excited readers from all over the world.

Introverts who want to share how much my work has impacted them, and how it's transformed their lives for the better.

Occasionally, however, when I ask exactly how they leveraged my networking system to succeed, I'm met with the response, "Well, I haven't put together my networking system as yet."

So I ask, "Then tell me, exactly how has it changed your life?"

"Just knowing I can network, that I can make great money as a small business owner," is what I often hear in reply.

While of course I'm always ecstatic to hear my work has opened someone's mind to a reality they never thought possible, I want to stop at nothing to ensure you get off the sidelines and take real action. 

Which is why I'm giving you free access to a complete step-by-step video implementation training, which includes templates, worksheets, and and so much more.

This training will get you past any mental blocks, motivate you to move forward, and show you exactly how to master my authentic networking system.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Introvert's Edge to Networking Today! 
Bonus #2 - Over Two Hours of In-Depth Application Interviews (Including Many of The Real People You'll Meet Within The Book)!
Overcome your fears and mental blocks. Learn from other introverts, just like you.
Total Value: $PRICELESS
As an introvert, I think the hardest thing for us to do is believe. 

It can be tough. After all, everyone we speak to says we need 'gift-of-gab' – and the people we see succeeding look like they clearly have it.

This is exactly why I flew in my most successful introverted clients from all over the world, and asked them how they applied my strategies to obtain results. 

Not only is this collection of interviews jam packed full of additional value, they’re also motivational superchargers. You'll get to meet introverts, just like you, many who started in far worse spots than you're in right now. 

They share what worked for them, what they struggled with, what barriers they faced, how they overcame them, and what they learned along the way. 

You'll see yourself in these people, and know that success is possible for you too.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Introvert's Edge to Networking Today! 
Bonus #3 - Rapid Business Growth For Introverts
Learn How To Obtain Rapid Growth In A Business You Love!
Total Value: $PRICELESS
Do you feel like you're on an endless hamster wheel, just trying to keep your business going? 

You know you provide an amazing product or service, but despite all your hard work, your day-to-day feels like a constant struggle to find interested people, set yourself apart, and make the sale – all while competing against more established businesses in your industry and dealing with customers who seem to care about only one thing... PRICE. 

It's time to reclaim control of your business. 

In this presentation I'm going to teach you my powerful step-by-step framework for obtaining Rapid Growth in any business, and how to use it to set yourself apart, put an end to competing on price, and network with confidence.

It's your ticket off the hamster wheel for good. 

Here's to making your competition irrelevant!

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Introvert's Edge to Networking Today! 
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling costs of $9.97 US or $19.97 international, anywhere in the world!

If you’re still reading this right now, you might not relate with the success stories you've seen here, or the thought that this could work for you.
"Networking success just isn’t in the cards for me"
If you’re feeling like this – or even if you feel like you’re doing ok at networking and don’t want to change who you are to do even better – that’s the entire reason you NEED this book.

If you were already easily connecting with the right people, feeling totally comfortable when doing it… you probably wouldn’t need this book.

But is that the reality for us INTROVERTS?!? No. Most introverts are looking for a way to feel more comfortable when networking, whether we’re just starting out or have awkwardly fostered a few good connections over a lifetime, but now need a whole lot more.

EVERY INTROVERT can leverage their natural strengths to thrive when networking!

I’ll show you how, and reveal why ‘Gift of Gab' is the BIGGEST LIE we’ve ever been told…

You hate small talk? No problem.

Starting your network from scratch? I did too... twice over.

Don’t have any experience? No need.

Always in your head? Me too.

Society has been misleading us our whole lives. We introverts have all the abilities needed to be phenomenal at connecting with others, and you don’t need permission from anyone to get started.

This book will provide you a step-by-step blueprint to help you access the potential you never knew you had.

All you have to do is tell me where to ship your FREE hardcover copy, and I’ll rush it to your doorstep.

I already bought the book – just need a little help from you to cover the shipping and handling costs!

You could also go to Amazon and grab a copy for $27.99, but why do that when I’ll send you a copy for FREE?

Ok, I know what you’re thinking, and here’s my response...

This is not a gimmick.
I know it may seem odd that I’m giving away books for free. I know it seems like there MUST be a catch. But there’s NOT…

Here’s why I do it: 
  • This is more than a book to me. I’m on a mission to help introverts all over the world discover they are NOT second-class citizens, that their path to success is just different to that of an extrovert.​
  • ​I want to confront this ridiculous stigma head on! It is my profound hope that by sharing this book with you, you’ll share what you learn with other introverts. That you will become an outspoken introverted success story and inspire your introverted friends to see their introversion as an edge, not a disadvantage.  
  • It makes me feel good to help people… What can I say?!? Life has been good to me and it makes me happy to share my good fortune with others... so I try to do it as often as possible! (Can you blame me??)
Here’s Why You Should Act TODAY...
It kills me to see introverted small business owners struggle every day, or even eventually fail at their dream business.

In many cases, just because they didn’t have the confidence or the know-how to connect with the right people.

Sure, they may have had a great product or provided a service second to none.

But it just wasn’t enough.

Wouldn’t you love to know that no matter which way the wind turns, you have the networking skills to line up opportunity after opportunity? That if you were to lose a few long term clients, you wouldn't fall behind like others introverts would?

This is what I want for you.

But I also know, if you wait until tomorrow, chances are you’ll either forget or get distracted by the busyness of the day-to-day.

You may even avoid coming back to this page altogether. After all, networking is likely not your favorite topic.

And then you will have wasted this chance to change your life and the life of your family for the better. To discover a system that will drive your business to Rapid Growth, while staying true to who you really are.


Looking For A Guarantee? I Got You.
I’ve seen how this book has changed lives, and I’m so confident it will change yours, I’m putting my money where my mouth is!

You have my word that if you don’t LOVE this book, I’ll give you a 100% refund and let you keep the book anyway :)

And the best part? I won’t even ask questions. If I can’t get through to you, help you discover your natural edge, and ignite you to take action, then you deserve a refund in my eyes!

So do we have a deal?

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order The Introvert's Edge to Networking  Today!
  Bonus #1 -Special Invite To A Private Online Training With Me. This Is A Complete Step-By-Step Video Implementation Training, Including Templates, Worksheets, And So Much More!
  Bonus #2 -Over Two Hours of In-Depth Application Interviews (Including Many Of The Real People You'll Meet Within The Book)!
  Bonus #3 -My Rapid Growth For Introverts Presentation, Where You'll Discover My Three-Step Blueprint For Obtaining Rapid Growth In Any Business.
Total Value: $PRICELESS!
Get Your Copy Today For
Just Cover Shipping And Handling For The Book
This Book Is Selling Like Crazy… And I’d Hate To Run Out Of FREE Copies Before You Get One!
So take action today, and I look forward to hearing your success story in the near future :)

Matthew Pollard
P.S. Apparently I’m not the only person who skips to the end of letters haha, so if you’re like me, then here’s what you missed in a nutshell:

I bought you a copy of my new book “The Introvert's Edge to Networking,” and I’m ready to ship it to you (along with 3 amazing bonuses)... all I’m asking from you is your address so I know where to ship it, and to cover the small $9.97 fee for shipping and handling! 
And no, I’m not gonna charge you money on the backend or enter you into some subscription program that will eventually cost money… I’m doing this out of love and because I want to help you obtain the success you deserve, while staying true to your introverted nature. 
To prove my good will, I’m even offering to refund your money if this book isn’t a needle mover for you. 
Click that button below and your FREE copy will be yours before you know it! 

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I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my bestselling book to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book. All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

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I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my new hardcover book to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book. All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

Currently limited supply in warehouse to give away!

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*The Introvert's Edge retails for $19.97, but we bought it for you! We just ask that you pay your shipping / handling to receive it (just $9.97 US, $19.97 intl). Your information is secure and will not be shared. By clicking the blue button above, you agree to receive emails and/or texts from Matthew Pollard about your book & other relevant marketing & fulfillment information!

Special One Time Offer:

Audiobook + 5 More Exclusive Products!

Click +ADD to include these bonus offers to your order for just $27! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place) learn more...

Exclusive "Small Business Growth and Sales Bundle" Upgrade:

Access to Channeling Your Superpower Live, The Introvert’s Edge to Sales (Yes, It’s The Prequel), + Introverted Sales Titan Interviews + An Exclusive Training + FREE Shipping ($67!)

Click +ADD to include everything below to your order for just $67!! learn more...

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EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: We don't believe in "get rich" programs - only in hard work, adding value, and serving others with excellence and consistency. Our trainings are intended to help you excel as an introvert and to help you obtain higher profits in a business that you love. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. 
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